Brentwood pest control

Brentwood Guides – How Can I Decrease The Number of Mosquitoes In My Home?

People of Brentwood have found mosquitoes to be a significant nuisance. In addition to being a considerable annoyance, mosquitoes may spread a number of illnesses, including dengue fever, malaria, and the Zika virus, which puts people’s health in danger. You should deal with the problem by using Brentwood pest control services since they are far more experienced and practical. 

Meanwhile, in this blog post, we have curated a list of some DIY methods that can help you until professional assistance comes into play. 

Effective measures to test out

You may use the following tactics to reduce the number of mosquitoes in your area:

  • Modification of Habitat

Additionally, you may alter the environment to make it less conducive to mosquito growth, which will assist in reducing the population of mosquitoes. Removing plants that provide shade and moisture to create an environment that is conducive to mosquito growth. Patterns by planting hedges and windbreaks, among other barriers.

Install screens on your doors and windows to keep mosquitoes out of your home. Using LEDs and lights with a yellow tint are outdoor lighting options that deter mosquitoes. 

  • Chemical Enforcement

Applying chemical insecticides requires extreme caution and accuracy. Though they work really well, they need to be your very last option. Applying pesticides that are EPA-approved, specifically designed to target mosquitoes, and minimally affect other non-targeted creatures. Use pesticides in accordance with label directions; do not overdo or abuse them.

Applying targeted insecticide in areas where mosquito activity is high. Although you can use specific tactics on your own, you might not get the intended outcome, and the issue might still exist. Consequently, it is advised that specialists handle it, as this not only ensures efficient treatment but also keeps mosquito infestations in your home at bay in the future.

  • Natural Regulation

Using naturally occurring parasites, diseases, or predators to reduce the mosquito population is known as biological control. Because fish like Gambusia consume mosquitoes, you can add them to your pond or other body of water. 

This will significantly reduce the amount of mosquitoes. Employing bacterial larvicides, such as BTI, that specifically target mosquito larvae and do not affect other creatures. Bring in the insects-eating dragonflies, bats, and some birds.

  • Removing Them From The Source Location:

Eliminating areas where mosquitoes breed is known as source reduction, as it keeps eggs from developing into adults. Clearing standing water from gutters, receptacles, and other mosquito-breeding habitats.

Regularly emptying and cleaning flower pots, bird baths, and other outdoor containers. Keep your swimming pools and ponds well-maintained to avoid standing water. Ensuring appropriate drainage to keep water from building up in yards and gardens. Book your appointment today and seek professional assistance to keep mosquitoes at bay!


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